Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Prof. B. Muller (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) has been hosted for a sabbatical from January to May. During his stay he has interacted with P. Congedo and M.G. Rodio on the milling of compressible multiphase flows ;

  • Prof. A.I. Delis (Technical University of Crete) has been hosted during the whole month of September (funding from the mathematics department invited professors campaign, university of Bordeaux). During his stay he worked with M. Ricchiuto on the set up of a robust code-to-code comparison strategy for long wave run-up ;

  • A. Larat (CNRS, EM2C lab Paris) has been hosted for a month during November and December to work with M. Ricchiuto on space time Galerkin schemes for KdV type equations.

Besides these longer stays, this year we have hosted several of our collaborators such as K. AOKI (Kyoto University), E. Miglio (Politecnico di Milano), S. Blaise (University of Louvain la Neuve), C. Eskilsson (Chalmers University), A.-P. Engsig-Karup (DTU Compute), and many others.

Research stays abroad

In the context of the associated team AQUARIUS2, three 1-month visits have been done during September-October 2014 in Stanford University (Pietro Marco Congedo, Maria Giovanna Rodio, Francesca Fusi).